It must be birthday season because I find myself capturing yet another happy one year old face! This little guy's special day was made even better by his grandparents and uncle who traveled from Mississippi and Missouri to mark this momentous occasion with him.
*side note* I just stepped away for a moment to get my creative writing juices flowing and decided I needed brownies. So now in my oven, I have a new invention: I'm calling them "Almond Joy Brownies" (brownie mix with a layer of almond slices, coconut, and a drizzle of sweetened condensed milk in the middle)! I'll let you know how they turn out!
And on to the star of today's blog... GIDEON!
Check out the adorable shirt his mommy made for him! His birthday party theme was Little Man with Mustache's & Bow Ties so this fit in perfectly! I think he likes it!
I love those beautiful big blue eyes! Gideon is such a happy little guy. He really hammed it up!
See what I mean?? He's such a ham! I love it!
Celebrating with family is so important! This set of grandparents came over from Mississippi just for Gideon! I know he was happy to see them!
Yay for Poppa time!!
Here's a little more doting from Mamaw and Papaw who came down from Missouri for Gideon's big day!
And posing for pics is hard work! Gideon had to grab a few winks so it's a good thing Uncle Jason's head is so comfy!
I am in love with this father/son moment!! I feel so fortunate to have captured it!!
This one above has me laughing out loud! Sara and David, I think that may be a good one to pull out in 15 years when the girlfriends come to visit! LOL!
The Gann men gathered below for a three generation shot!
These grandmas are certainly loving this baby boy to death! Any good grandma loves to fuss over her grandchildren and these ladies are no exception! This photo makes that apparent!
I sneaked in this shot as Nana and Poppa were walking away and I love the legacy of love that it represents for this family! It didn't take an hour to figure out that this family loves one another and takes commitment seriously!
Thank you, Gann family, for sharing your morning with me and allowing me to capture memories of Gideon's big day!! Praying God continues to bless you all!
By the way, the brownies are done and as far as I can tell they taste great! I didn't wait for them to cool down enough and burnt my tongue! :p